Blue is the New Green

Down River Cryogenics

is your ally in the most important battle:

the battle for the planet.


Two Convenient Locations to Serve You

Down River Cryogenics, LLC

4300 Highway 365

Jefferson, AR 72079

Voice: (866) 616-1405

Fax: (501) 397-7190

Cell: (870) 543-9917

Down River Cryogenics, West

11100 Airport Drive • Units 5 & 6

Hayden, ID 83835

Voice: (208) 635-7191

Fax:  (208) 772-6191

Cell:  (208) 651-6500

We can help lower your energy costs, reduce your maintenance schedule and lower your carbon footprint.

Lower Tool Wear

Longer Tool Life

Less Maintenance

Improved Efficiency

Reduced Waste

By improving the wear characteristics of your tooling, DRC processing increases your production line efficiency. In addition to immediate savings through reduced tool replacement, less intensive maintenance and improved performance, you’ll likely reduce energy costs as well as material waste.

At DRC, environmental awareness isn’t just a fashion statement.

As our customers attest, DRC icy blue is awfully green.